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Constitution and By-Laws

Constitution – Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific

Download the APLAP Constitution and By-Laws [PDF]

1. Name

The name of the association shall be Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”). The Association will use its name or its acronym (APLAP) in all publicity materials and correspondence.

2. Purpose

The purposes for which the Association is established are to –

i) Encourage understanding of, and cooperation between Parliamentary Libraries and research and information services attached to the National and State/Provincial Legislatures in Asia and the Pacific region (hereinafter referred to as the “Region”). (See Note 1)

ii) Consider any matters affecting the common interests or operation of Parliamentary Libraries.

iii) Initiate, develop, establish and support ideas, methods and techniques likely to result in the better functioning of Parliamentary Libraries generally, and in particular their effective provision of information relevant to the needs of the Parliamentarians they serve.

iv) Foster a clearer understanding of the respective needs and roles of members of Parliament and their Parliamentary Libraries by establishing a forum for better communication between the two.

v) Provide a body which can speak and act on behalf of its several constituents on matters coming within the ambit of its authority.

vi) Advance the cause of Parliamentary Librarianship generally and liaise closely with IFLA and other bodies and associations with commoninterests.

3. Membership

The chief librarian, director or equivalent in each of the legislatures in the Region (hereinafter referred to as the “Librarian/Director”) is eligible for membership of the Association as an institutional member (hereinafter referred to as the “Institutional Member”) upon payment of the prescribed membership fee. Where a legislature does not have a Librarian/Director, the presiding officers may nominate another officer as an Institutional Member. (See Note 2)

Membership fees are prescribed in Section 2 of the By‐laws of the Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter referred to as the “By‐laws”).

4. Offices

In a General Meeting (as defined in Article 7), Institutional Members shall elect a:

a) President;

b) Vice President (Asia);

c) Vice President (Pacific);

d) Secretary; and

e) Treasurer

These office holders shall form the Association’s Executive Committee and may co‐opt up to two Institutional Members to serve ex officio in the Committee.

The President shall be elected from Institutional Members who are Librarians/Directors.

Term of office shall be two years in principle. No person shall be eligible to serve longer than two consecutive terms in the same office.

An Executive Committee member shall cease to hold office if s/he:

a) Ceases to be an Institutional Member of the Association (See Note 3);

b) Ceases to be employed in a legislature in the Region;

c) Resigns from the office; or

d) Is requested in writing to resign by no less than one‐third of the members in good standing.

5. Casual Vacancies

Where a position on the Executive Committee falls vacant, it may be filled for the remainder of the allotted term upon agreement by all remaining members of the Executive Committee with nominations being called within 30 days of the vacancy occurring.

6. Powers and Responsibilities of Office Holders

i) President

The President, on the authorisation of the Executive Committee, shall issue statements, enter into negotiations on behalf of the Association and represent its views and opinions

Where the President undertakes such activities without prior agreement on policy at a General Meeting (as defined in Article 7), statements made on behalf of the Association shall be subject to ratification at the next General Meeting.

ii) Other Office Holders

Powers of other office holders are set out in the By‐laws.

7. Meetings

A conference of the Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Conference”) shall be held biennially in principle at such times and at such places as the Executive Committee shall determine following consultation with the host Librarian/Director. During the course of the Conference, a general business meeting (hereinafter referred to as the “General Meeting”) shall be held. The procedures and rules for meetings are set out in the By‐laws.

8. Special Committees and other Subordinate Bodies

The Institutional Members present at a General Meeting may appoint Special Committees, Working Parties, Task Forces, or make other appropriate arrangements, for carrying out studies or special tasks determined by the meeting. The Special Committees and other bodies shall operate in accordance with the By‐laws.

9. Finance

All funds are to be used to advance the aims of the Association and to meet the administrative costs associated with its operation.

10. Amendments to the Constitution and the By‐laws

The Constitution of the Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific may be amended by a two‐thirds majority of Institutional Members present at a duly constituted General Meeting with at least 60 days’ notice in writing of the proposed change required.

The By‐laws may be amended by a simple majority of Institutional Members present at a duly constituted General Meeting.

11. Dissolution

The Association shall be dissolved if a two‐thirds majority of the Institutional Members present at a duly constituted General Meeting decide by special resolution that it be dissolved. However, written notice must be given to the Institutional Members at least 60 days in advance of any meeting constituted for that purpose.

Note 1 – State or Provincial legislatures eligible for membership of the Association are those legislatures where powers are defined or established in conjunction with the national constitution.

Note 2 – The Librarian/Director may designate the deputy librarian, deputy director or equivalent to represent the legislature as an Institutional Member. The designated person must have full authority to speak and act on behalf of the legislature.

Note 3 – In the case where a staff person of a legislature becomes a member of the Executive Committee, s/he shall cease to hold office on the Executive Committee if the Librarian/Director of his/her legislature ceases to be an Institutional Member, either by refusing to pay membership fees, withdrawing from APLAP membership, or by other means. Should the Librarian/Director leave the respective legislature, the replacement Librarian/Director must be eligible for membership as an Institutional Member for other staff in the legislature to continue in their position/s on the Executive Committee.

Adopted on 10 May 1990, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 
Amended on 31 October 2018, Tokyo, Japan.


By-laws – Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific

1. Procedures for Conferences and General Meetings

1.1—In principle, Conferences and General Meetings (as defined in Article 7 of the Constitution of the Association of Parliamentary Librarians of Asia and the Pacific which is hereinafter referred to as the “Constitution”) shall be held in alternate years, commencing in 1990 for the purposes of:

a) Determining policy, strategies and action of the Association (as defined in Article 1 of the Constitution);

b) Promoting interpersonal contact between members of the Association;

c) Permitting members to discuss matters of common concern andinterest;

d) Election of office holders of the Association; and

e) Discussion papers and presentations by participants and/or guestspeakers.

1.2—Conference Date and Location

Conferences shall be timed, wherever possible, to coincide with a common parliamentary recess and shall be hosted, by agreement, by each of the participating Librarians/Directors (as defined in Article 3 of the Constitution) in rotation. The order shall be determined by the Executive Committee in consultation with the host Librarian/Director of the prospective venue, subject to the endorsement of the respective presiding officer and/or library committee.


The following individuals may participate in a Conference

a) Members

In addition to Institutional Members (as defined in Article 3 of the Constitution), staff of the legislatures to which Institutional Members belong may, with the concurrence of their Librarians/Directors, attend open sessions of the Conference and participate in the proceedings.

b) Observers

Other administrative, library, research, and/or information institutions concerned or their interested persons may attend open sessions if they make application to attend and obtain prior consent from the Executive Committee.

c) Guest Speakers

The host Librarian/Director may, at his/her discretion and with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, invite attendance at open sessions of such persons as are able to contribute by their professional expertise or special knowledge to the purpose and proceedings of the Conference.

1.4—Conference Fees

The Executive Committee may determine a Conference fee for participation by persons other than Institutional Members in Conferences. No fees shall be charged to Institutional Members.

1.5—Conference Fees

1.5.1 – Conference

Not less than 90 days’ notice of every Conference, specifying the place and dates of the Conference and the business to be dealt with, shall be sent to Institutional Members at their official contact address.

1.5.2 – Chairperson

The President, or in the absence of the President, a Vice President shall take the chair at Conferences. In the absence of these officers, the Institutional Members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairperson.

1.5.3 – Voting

Voting for offices shall be by secret ballot. The individual who attains the largest number of votes shall be declared by the Chairperson of the meeting to be elected to that office. In the event there is only one nomination for a position, that person shall be declared duly elected by the Chairperson of the meeting.

Other voting shall be by show of hands. Where there is a tied vote, the motion shall have failed. A motion may be put by any Institutional Member present and shall be seconded. The Chairperson shall have the option of requesting that a motion be submitted in written form before accepting it for debate.

Eligibility for voting shall be limited to Institutional Members.

1.5.4 – Quorum

A quorum shall be constituted by the presence of no less than one‐third of the Institutional Members. No motion shall be accepted if a quorum is lacking.

1.5.5 – Minutes

Minutes of the General Meeting, which shall be finalised by the Secretary, shall be presented to all Institutional Members and shall be confirmed at a subsequent meeting.

1.5.6 – Annual Report

An Annual Report, which consists of an annual report of the Association’s activities prepared by the Vice Presidents and an annual financial report prepared by the Treasurer, shall be submitted to a subsequent General Meeting and shall be presented to Institutional Members through the APLAP website or other means.

1.6—Conference Organisation

1.6.1 – The host Librarian/Director for each Conference shall, in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Association:

Convene the Conference, draw up its program, solicit contributions and Conference papers and keep Institutional Members informed of progress. Tours to Libraries and information facilities of particular interest may be included in the program.

1.6.2 – Conference papers shall be submitted in advance and shall be distributed to participants prior to the Conference sessions. Papers are not to be read but are open for discussion following a brief address by the author.

1.6.3 – The Executive Committee shall decide which papers are to be published as part of the permanent record of the proceedings of the Conference. The Conference Chairperson shall be responsible for producing and distributing such record.

1.6.4 – Conference proceedings may be recorded, provided that Conference participants shall have the right to have materials withheld from the permanent record.

1.6.5 – A Conference dinner will generally be arranged to coincide with the Conference. Delegates may be required to meet the cost of the Conference dinner themselves.

1.6.6 – The Conference organisers shall not be responsible for the expenses of Conference participants.

2. Membership Fees

2.1—Membership fees shall be due on 31 August each year.

2.2—Membership of an Institutional Member shall lapse if the annual membership fee remains unpaid for twelve months.

2.3—The annual membership fee, which covers the period from 1 July to 30 June of the following year, shall be determined at each Conference and can be varied by vote of a simple majority of those Institutional Members present.

2.4—The membership fee shall be: Institutional Member: $(US) 100.00

2.5—The Treasurer will circulate a membership fee renewal notice in June of each year with full payment details.

3. Powers and Responsibilities of Office Holders


The President chairs all meetings of the Executive Committee and at least the General Meeting at the Conference.

3.2—Vice Presidents

The Vice Presidents are required to act for the President as necessary and may be required to fulfil other duties, for example, preparing an annual report of the Association’s activities.


The Secretary is responsible for finalising the minutes of all General Meetings and Executive Committee meetings and for all correspondence and action agreed by a General Meeting or the Executive Committee. The Secretary maintains the roll of members and ensures that all meetings are convened in accordance with the Constitution and By‐laws.


The Treasurer is responsible for establishing and maintaining a bank account for the Association and negotiating with the immediate‐past Treasurer for the transfer of the Association’s funds and financial records.The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining the Association’s financial records; making payments with the authorisation of the President; and sending annual membership invoices and receipts for payment. The Treasurer prepares an annual financial report on behalf of the Executive Committee and presents this at the General Meeting.


Initially, the Secretariat shall be in the National Assembly Library, Republic of Korea.

4. Roll of Members

4.1—The Secretary shall compile and maintain a roll of members containing details of the name, the position, and the contact information of Institutional Members, where appropriate.

4.2—The roll of members shall be used to prepare a membership list for distribution to all Institutional Members at each Conference.

5. Nominations for the Executive Committee

5.1—The Secretary shall call for nominations for the positions on the Executive Committee 90 days prior to the date of the Conference.

5.2—Nominations, which do not require a seconder, may be made by Institutional Members who are willing to stand for office. If an Institutional Member wishes to nominate another Institutional Member or a staff person of a legislature to which the Institutional Member belongs for office, the nomination must contain a statement by the nominee that s/he is willing to stand.

5.3—Nominations must reach the Secretary 30 days prior to the date of the General Meeting and the Secretary, or in the absence of the Secretary, the President will notify all Institutional Members of the names of all nominees 14 days prior to the General Meeting.

6. Voting by Proxy

Institutional Members unable to attend the General Meeting shall be permitted to vote for offices of the Executive Committee by proxy, providing they advise the Secretary, or in the absence of the Secretary, the President, at least 14 days prior to the meeting and request a proxy form.

A proxy must be an Institutional Member. Proxy forms must be received by the Secretary, or in the absence of the Secretary, the President, at least 7 days prior to the General Meeting and be signed by the Institutional Member and the proxy.

7. Operations of Special Committees and other Subordinate Bodies

7.1—Special Committees and other subordinate bodies shall operate under terms of reference approved by the Association at a General Meeting.

7.2—The Chairperson or Convenor of each Special Committee or other subordinate body shall be an Institutional Member.

7.3—Members of Special Committees and other subordinate bodies may be drawn from the staff of the legislatures to which Institutional Members belong in order to bring all available expertise to the benefit of the Association’s affairs.

7.4—Special Committees and other subordinate bodies shall be required to report to the President and the Association upon the completion of particular tasks, or annually, in relation to on‐going activities.

Adopted on 10 May 1990, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Amended on 31 October 2018, Tokyo, Japan.